Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Appropriately enough

Today is the day I got my DC Voter Registration Card in the mail.

Final Debate

Sen. McCain-
You know what happens when you make a spending freeze? You get Park Rangers and other uniformed Government employees who don't have uniforms to wear. You get government workers and facilities going without necessary supplies and repairs.
Also, shut up about abortion, because you have no idea what it's like to be a woman or be faced with that issue. And if you assume someone who's pro-Roe v. Wade can't actually be qualified to be a SCOTUS justice, that kinda indicates a "litmus test".
And "eloquence" isn't a dirty word, you jerk.

Bob Scheiffer-
You are awesome. I <3 you.

Sen. Obama-
I kinda want to see you get angry. You know I'm gonna vote for you, but I kinda want to see you tell McCain what a racist, ignorant moron he is. Because it makes me angry that the Republicans let all kind of racist bullshit fly and pretend they have nothing to do with it. And you haven't said a single thing about McCain that was anywhere near as terrible as the things that have been said about you.
And also, amen on the reducing unwanted pregnancies.

Monday, October 13, 2008

"Destruction of Indigenous Cultures Day"

Columbus sailed for India found Salvador instead
he shook hands with some Indians and soon they all were dead
they got TB and typhoid and athletes foot, diphtheria and the flu
'Scuse me, great nations comin' through

-"Great Nations of Europe" by Randy Newman

One of my Anthropologist friends and I got into a conversation today about how Columbus Day shouldn't actually be a holiday. And certainly not in the "yay for the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria" kind of way. I respect the courage it took to look for an all-water route to India from Europe, to sail into those unknown waters. But when we teach our children about it, I think it's also important to teach them about the consequences. I can't honestly completely begrudge European settlement of the Americas, because if it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be here, but that doesn't mean it didn't cause a lot of pain and suffering.
Also, the notion of granting Columbus credit for "discovering" anything is kind of ridiculous. And, no, not because the Vikings got to Canada before he made it to the Caribbean. But because the native people of the Americas knew that their land existed. Things aren't hidden just because a European has never seen them, Columbus didn't discover American anymore than Dr. Livingstone discovered Victoria Falls.
Of course, most people are just happy to have a three-day weekend...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debates

I started watching, then stopped, then started again.

Dear Senator Biden:
I was so happy when you said that you supported rights for same-sex couples. And then you had to go and say you didn't support gay marriage, and my smile turned upside down.

Also, "madrassa" is the Arabic word for "school". So when you say that we should help build schools instead of madrassas, my head kinda hurts. I get that "madrassa" has a specific connotation in English, but still.

Evelyn, who's gonna vote for you anyway

Dear Governor Palin:
Try not to look so scared. And "Change" is the Obama slogan. Also, if I'd made a drinking game featuring "maverick" "hockey mom" and anything about families, I'd be drunk by now.

Peace and Love,
Evelyn, who would only vote for you if your politics resembled Tina Fey's as much as your face did