Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear Senator McCain

Not all women are the same. The possession of a XX chromosome and a uterus does not mean that we all possess a hive mind. Disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters will not leap over to the Republican party because a woman is on the ticket. Especially when that women is anti-choice and has minimal experience.

Just a piece of advice,

Today I saw some kids who looked to be college freshmen wearing McCain '08 shirts. Someone please explain to me how anyone under the age of 45 thinks McCain is a good candidate (or any Republican, for that matter). Explain why anyone who isn't a rich old white guy, or a white guy who hopes to be rich and old someday, votes for that party. Because I don't get it. I seriously wanted to stop and talk to these kids, and ask them why on earth they thought that McCain had their best interest at heart, especially the girls.

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