Wednesday, November 9, 2011

30 Days of Thanks 5-9

My weekend got away from me and I didn't update as I should have. So, without further ado:

5) Clean water. Not something we all think about, but we're very lucky to have regular access to clean drinking water.

6) The Library. All these books! And you can read them for free! Not to mention all the other vital services they provide for people.

7)A roof over my head. I live in DC, I get nearly daily reminders that I should not take having a home for granted.

8) Pleasure. I think this one goes without saying.

9) Modern medicine. Our healthcare system in the US is FUBAR'd, and modern medicine often pathologizes things it shouldn't (like pregnancy and childbirth). But it also keeps me from have horrible migraines 3-4 times a week, and makes many, many other people able to function on a daily basis, and gives them a fighting chance against diseases like cancer.

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